A Public Footslave's Internal Monologue

Although I'm just a dumb restroom-footkisser, and therefore forbidden to speak, I nevertheless silently worship all my esteemed customers as they exit the restroom, with an obsequious internal monologue:

'Oh pray pretty mistress-madam, God bless you pretty mistress-madam for having the good grace and mercy to stop by me upon your egress from the public restroom, mistress-madam, so that I might have the inestimable honour, of which I am not worthy, of kissing your outer footwear - your superior sneakers, madam - whilst simultaneously admiring your inner footwear - your equally superb socks, madam! Oh pray, madam! Oh bless! Oh bliss! Truly this unworthy slave is overwhelmed by your sweet feminine generosity in availing me of such an humbling opportunity, madam. For the likes of me to even breathe in the same air as your sneakers and socks is an honour indeed, madam - let alone to actually taste your sneaker-dirt and observe at such close quarters the rows of stitching in your socks, madam. God bless you madam, and all who make love to you, madam - for they are much better men than me, miss!'

She looks down on me with a mixture of sweet feminine pity and contempt as she approaches my confined face at her feet

We both know she is about to use me, and we both ponder the momentousness of the occasion - power and glory for her; ignominious humiliation for me!

Sure enough, the first of her sneakered feet is haughtily presented to my awaiting, menial mouth

I kiss the outstretched sneaker-toe whilst respectfully admiring the accompanying white sock

I am forbidden by Law to verbally communicate with such a superior being as a young woman, but I can, and do, praise and worship her internally...

...in a manner befitting a lowly, public footservant who is in her female power and at her female mercy!

Meanwhile, she remains blissfully oblivious to my internal, obsequious praise for her...

...sensing my slavish humility and respect for her only via the feel of my lowly lips on her superior toes through her soft sneaker leather and thick, white cotton socks!

As the sign on the restroom wall above my humble head says, I'm just a dumb footkisser!

Needless to say, a superior young woman like this deliberately chooses not to speak to me...

...though she is perfectly at liberty to verbally scold and berate me, should she so desire it!

But on this occasion she lets her female body language do all the talking - the haughty body language of a superior having their feet kissed in public by an inferior

She then, as silently as she had come, turns her back on me and walks away from my forlorn face

My only regret is that she did not tarry a bit longer in front of my face...

...so that I might taste yet more of her superb sneaker-dirt and study her sock-stitching in even more detail!

For these are the sneakers and socks of my infinite better...

...of a young woman...

...of a supreme being...

...of a smirking goddess!

My humbling view of the backs of the departing, triumphant goddess's everyday sneakers and socks!

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