Classy Ladies

Today I am approached in the train station corridor by a succession of classy ladies:

  • The first classy lady has colour-coordinated handbag and socks! (It is her socks, of course, that are of particular importance to me - along with her boots!)
  • The second classy lady is much more casually dressed in hotpants, and with sneakers with patterned, brightly-coloured anklesocks (but she is none the less classy, for all that!)
  • The third classy lady is wearing a red and white tracksuit with matching sneakers and socks.
Sheer class - all of them - in their own sweet-feminine ways! I show them all due footslavish respect!

Afterwards, I am approached by an equally classy master-sir, who has been watching me from the wings. He crouches down to my inferior level so that I can smell his bad breath as he mocks and rebukes me for being such a pathetic and lowly creature - kissing people's feet all day! Especially girls' feet!

I apologise profusely to the superior master-sir for my wretchedness and lowliness, and humbly solicit his own masterful feet for kissing. He too kindly obliges me!

The first in a succession of classy customers approaches me down the train station corridor

Such a classy pair of boots and socks!

The sheer class stops in front of me, adopting a superior, arrogant stance

Then I am ordered (by a classy female voice) to kiss the boots!

I endeavour to show the utmost slavish respect for the classy boots

The classy, female wearer of the boots kindly switches feet in front of me...

...before turning her pretty, superior back on me...

...leaving me to rot in the corridor dirt behind her

I keep my head humbly bowed in the presence of her classy, purple socks!

Socks of greatness...

...inside boots of greatness!

What an honour to have spent some brief time in their presence!

As the classy blonde woman boards the train, another equally classy customer disembarks...

...a redhead, much more casually dressed, but no less classy for all that!

Her green canvas sneakers and fully-pulled-up, cartoon-print anklesocks stop directly in front of my face - again adopting a superior pose!

As the young-woman-wearer of the sneakers and socks mocks and berates me, a passing master-sir - a much better man than me - chuckles to himself. You wouldn't catch him grovelling in a dirty corridor at a pretty girl's feet!

He continues on his smirking way as I humbly thank the kind customer-mistress for her cutting comments and beg her to do me the inestimable honour of allowing me to kiss her feet!

Being a sweet-natured young woman, and full of kindness, she duly obliges me!

I must now publicly kiss cheap, green sneaker...

...though it is a cheap, green sneaker made classy by its accompanying sock!

Such a fun and bright pair of socks - designed to brighten up a corridor-footslave's humble day!

There is no time for complacency, however, as the bright-young-woman wearer of the socks snaps angrily down at me to make sure I kiss the other side of her sneaker-toe!

I instantly obey my better!

Then she too turns and casually walks away from me...

...leaving me with just a humbling view of her sock...

...and a realisation of my utter insignificance and lowliness in her pretty eyes!

I can sense the little smirk of female triumph on her pretty face, even though I can't see it

All I can see is SOCK!

But what a pair of socks!

Truly, they are a pair of socks for sore footslave-eyes!

I hope and pray those classy sneakers and socks will visit me again some day soon!

There can, of course, be no rest for a lowly corridor-footslave, and no sooner has the second classy customer-mistress of the day disappeared down the corridor, than another one approaches...

...this time dressed in a fetching, red and white tracksuit. Sheer class!

The tracksuit bottoms, with their accompanying white sneakers, stop directly in front of me, giving me my first glimpse of pure, white sneaker-sock!

'Kiss my foot, boy!', barks an authoritative female voice from high above me

I duly obey, and kiss-respect the proffered foot - in full view of a loitering master-sir who is standing further down the corridor

He watches as I humbly kiss feet...

...the feet of a classy young woman, wearing a red tracksuit

She too ensures that I get a humbling taste of both her sneakers...

...before triumphantly turning her back on me

As she heads off towards the platform to catch her train, I hear the master-sir chuckling to himself

As well he might, for I am a pathetic figure of fun!

Then, horror of horrors, his feet and footsteps approach me!

He crouches down to my lowly level in order to berate me for being such a feetkissing wimp! I beg his manly forgiveness, and implore him to permit me to kiss-respect his feet, as a demonstration of my inferiority towards him

The kind master-sir kindly obliges me (like the women before him!)

How the man revels in my humiliation at his feet!

Such a kind and generous man to humble me thus!

As he smirkingly turns to leave...

...I ponder how I am lower even than his tall, manly socks...

...the tall and mighty socks of a real man!

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