
Sockieboy slaves (both private and public) can end up in the foothold dungeons for life (no parole; no remission) if they displease their masters or mistresses. I am one such sockieboy foothole-prisoner, confined for life to my foothole cell with only a humble hatch at the base of the cell door for my food to be passed through - and to enable me to kiss-respect the boots of my prison-guards on demand!

From inside my humble hatch I can observe experienced officer-master Craig sir 'mansplaining' to a pretty, new female guard how to treat we prisoner-slaves. He is confidently and authoritatively explaining to her that she must not come across as friendly towards the prisoners, and must speak to us only to issue commands or to rebuke us. He also advises her to make the prisoner-slaves regularly kiss her boots, and kindly offers to demonstrate to her exactly how that should be done!

I am very grateful to officer-master Craig sir, for showing the new girl the ropes. I'm sure she'll soon get the hang of it!

I recognise officer-master Craig sir as he approaches my cell with a new girl

She's pretty!

As the officers' feet get closer I try to make out their socks

But it's only when officer-master Craig sir starts to demonstrate to the new girl how to have her uniform boots kissed that I catch a glimpse of his regulation, dark grey, uniform socks

The socks of a free man!

Officer-master Craig sir switches his booted feet in front of my face as he demonstrates the correct bootkissing method to his pretty, blonde colleague

I can just make out her apparently non-regulation, patterned socks in the background. Perhaps she hasn't yet been issued with uniform-regulation, grey socks - being a mere rookie officer?

Whatever, I make sure to put on a good show of humbly kissing officer-master Craig sir's boots as I know it will be important to him to impress the young lady!

Gentleman that he is, officer-master Craig sir then takes a step back and invites his pretty colleague to emulate him!

She wastes no time in doing so...

...copying her more experienced, male colleague by switching her booted feet repeatedly in front of my confined face

I now have the chance to study her non-regulation socks in more detail. They are still, broadly speaking, dark socks - but with a bright red flowery motif. Very feminine!

It is actually a nice change for me to see fancy-patterned socks on an officer's ankles, instead of the usual boring old, plain grey bootsocks!

I, of course, look up to all my guards' socks - but especially this new girl's socks!

It's always nice to have a new pair of socks to admire - especially female ones!

Meanwhile the strictly uniform grey, male socks of officer-master Craig sir look on, in a supervisory capacity... I kiss-respect the new female officer's boots and admire her pretty, feminine socks!

I must not forget that BOTH these officers are my masters and have absolute power and authority over me. That's precisely why I am kissing their boots!

As they turn to leave, officer-master Craig sir condescendingly continues to mansplain the foothole prison's various policies and procedures

Personally, I don't think the pretty, new girl needs any such explanations. I think she's a natural!

It has been an honour - albeit an immensely humbling one - for me to kiss-respect her female boots!

And her socks shall long linger in my memory, especially if she switches to regulation grey socks in the future!

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