Handsome Couple

A truly handsome Asian couple spot me in my sockieboy-alcove and immediately make their way towards me, laughing and smiling as they do so, both clearly intent on humbling me with their shoes and socks.

And rightly so – for I am here to be humbled!


The happy young couple, happily approach me from across the deserted yard

Their footsteps are ominously soft as they approach me in tandem!

The couple stop directly in front of my confined face – with the man’s sneakers and socks foremost

Then, without warning, the man’s right sneaker is suddenly shoved towards my menial mouth…

…swiftly followed by his left sneakered foot!

I get a good, close-up and personal view of his short black sock as he and his pretty girlfriend mock me for my patheticalness

Then the man, manfully, takes a step back from my face and politely invites his girlfriend to use me in similar manner!

She wastes no time in doing so, and male, beige brown sneaker and black sock is soon replaced by female black and white sneaker and brown sock!


Her seeming anger and belligerence is faux, and her boyfriend just laughs (at me!)

But I’m not laughing. I’m admiring – SOCK!

The brown cotton ankle socks of a beautiful young woman!

All too soon, the happy laughing couple turn to leave…

…and I am left staring at the sneakers and socks of my betters….

…as they triumphantly walk away from me!

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