My Mistress Heads Off To Work

As you can see, my pretty mistress is now fully clothed and heading out the door of her apartment to catch the train into her office. I am still semi-naked, but am also heading out to her place of work, crawling behind her to heel on my hands and knees, as I will be doing throughout the day.

That’s because I now have the inestimable privilege of following my mistress’s socks all day – not her scuzzy bedsocks (they are now in her sock-laundry basket awaiting the attentions of my menial, sockwashing mouth!), but rather her smart, black officewear socks, inside her equally smart, recently tongue-shined (by me), black leather loafers!

For the avoidance of doubt, I shall be required to silently and unobtrusively study my mistress’s black, office socks on her feet throughout the day, since I am her personal ‘sockieboy’ slave – considered to be worth less than her socks, yet responsible (in Law) for their upkeep and wellbeing. Every crease, every dust stain, every foreign piece of fluff that becomes attached to her socks must be mentally noted by me and, if required, accounted for later in the day – should my mistress express even the slightest discontent with the state of her socks on her feet!

One thing I do know about my pretty mistress is that she will not hesitate to take her female wrath out on me with the WHIP! And rightly so, for that’s what whips are for – to discipline and punish slaves!

Including lowly sockslaves like me!

Dutifully following my pretty mistress to heel as she heads off to work

By Law, I must remain focused on her socks – the ones she has on now i.e. her smart, black office socks, which go nicely with her smart, black leather loafers

Of course, the Law states I must still also ‘have regard for’ all her other pairs of socks which we are leaving behind in her sock drawer (plus, of course, her scuzzy, grey bedsocks which are now in the sock-laundry basket)…

…but my primary focus must ALWAYS be on the socks my mistress is currently wearing on her feet. Indeed, I must look at, and think of, nothing else, since my mistress’s socks are my lowly life!

And what truly superb socks they are – neat and tidy around her shapely ankles; as yet totally uncreased (at least to the semi-naked slave eye!)…

…and contrasting so sweetly with her soft, bare, white legskin beneath her office-suit trouser leg – not that I am permitted to look at my pretty mistress above the sock! ☺

To be honest, I don’t even want to. I mean, what sockslave worth his salt would not wish to remain focused on the backs of such a lovely pair of socks?

My bright and intelligent mistress, meanwhile, has, I’m sure, much more important things on her superior mind than her socks!

That’s my job – to think about her socks; all day long

And so think about them I will – and admiringly so, since her socks are better, and more important, than me…

…being the socks of a young woman, on her feet, inside her loafer shoes!

                 Her socks are my gods, and I their worshipper! Her socks, I say!... Her SOCKS! 

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